There’s no better time than now to talk to Courier.

Since 1967, Courier Capital has been a Western New York provider of choice for customized investment management, retirement planning, and consulting services.  Our clients include individuals, businesses, institutions, and foundations. We are dedicated to providing a broad independent and objective investment solution. Our clients’ interests will always come first.  These values align very well with our new partner, Financial Institutions, Inc. and will enhance our service to both respective client groups.  Through the relationships with Five Star Bank, Five Star Investment Services, and Five Star Affinity Insurance Agencies, we are positioned to meet every need of every client. 

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Products & Services


Retirement Planning

Offering a retirement plan is a significant undertaking for any employer, large or small. It demonstrates your sincere regard for your employees, your concern about their future.

Custom Investment Management

Whether it’s owning your own home, funding your children’s education, or creating a stress-free retirement, a financial plan is considered vital in working towards your goals. We use a consultative approach to create a financial plan that aims to meet your objectives.

Investment Planning

The investment challenge for charitable endowments and foundations has become very complex. Faced with mounting choice and swifter, more volatile markets, the need to define and implement a suitable, customized investment strategy has become a necessity.


By Steve Gattuso on
We all have certain causes that we choose to support monetarily. In fact, in 2017, Americans gave more than $410 billion to charities, breaking the $400 billion mark for the first time in history. But anytime that we give our money to an organization, it’s important to do our due diligence, ensuring that the funds that we give will be used effectively. There are several ways you can do this, starting with using the resources...
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Here’s a thought: retirement doesn’t mean the end. It doesn’t mean an end of self-importance or purpose, it just means a new chapter—a paradigm shift of what life is beyond long days and meetings and bosses. Unless you own your own business, and even then, you are not your business. You’re not solely defined by the question, “What do you do?” But, it doesn’t mean you should stop defining the answer for such an inquiry...
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By Steve Gattuso on
If you’ve ever played the Game of Life board game, it becomes clear that compressed into the colorful path there are various stages of life. Each stage holds its own major financial challenges as well as prospective profits in addition to surprises (new baby!) and forks in the road. In the real world game of life, much is the same, but with sound financial planning throughout the different stages of life, you can have much...
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